5Generates the mesh only on location 0, thereafter partitions the mesh but instead of broadcasting the mesh to other locations it creates binary mesh files for each location.
8## Example usage:
9Create this object:
11params =
13 param_name1 = value1,
14 param_name2 = value2,
15 --etc.
19## Optional Input parameters
22<div style="display: block;">
23<button type="button" class="droppy2" style=
25background-color: #edf0f5;
26color: #9373A5;
27cursor: pointer;
28border: none;
29text-align: left;
30outline: none;
31font-size: 15px;
32margin: 2px 2px;
33border: 2px solid #687372;
34display: block;
35width: 100%;
36vertical-align: middle;
37padding-top: 4px;
38padding-bottom: 0px;
40><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>inputs</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       A list of handles to MeshGenerator objects</span></button>
41<div class="content" style="display: none;">
42 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>ARRAY</TT></span>. A list of handles to MeshGenerator objects
64><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>num_partitions</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       The number of partitions to generate</span></button>
65<div class="content" style="display: none;">
66 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>INTEGER</TT></span>. The number of partitions to generate. If zero will default to the number of MPI processes. Is ignored if the number of MPI processes > 1.
88><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>partitioner</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       Handle to a GraphPartitioner object to use for parallel partitioning</span></button>
89<div class="content" style="display: none;">
90 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>INTEGER</TT></span>. Handle to a GraphPartitioner object to use for parallel partitioning.This will default to PETScGraphPartitioner with a "parmetis" setting
112><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>read_only</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       Controls whether the split mesh is recreated or just read</span></button>
113<div class="content" style="display: none;">
114 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>BOOLEAN</TT></span>. Controls whether the split mesh is recreated or just read.
136><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>replicated_mesh</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       Flag, when set, makes the mesh appear in full fidelity on each process</span></button>
137<div class="content" style="display: none;">
138 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>BOOLEAN</TT></span>. Flag, when set, makes the mesh appear in full fidelity on each process
160><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>scale</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       Uniform scale to apply to the mesh after reading</span></button>
161<div class="content" style="display: none;">
162 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>FLOAT</TT></span>. Uniform scale to apply to the mesh after reading.
184><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>split_file_prefix</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       Prefix to use for all split mesh files</span></button>
185<div class="content" style="display: none;">
186 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>STRING</TT></span>. Prefix to use for all split mesh files
208><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>split_mesh_dir_path</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       Path of the directory to be created for containing the split meshes</span></button>
209<div class="content" style="display: none;">
210 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>STRING</TT></span>. Path of the directory to be created for containing the split meshes.
234 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>INTEGER</TT></span>. Verbosity level. 1 will report each 10% complete. 2 will print each part and the number of local cells it wrote.