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1/**\defgroup LuaSLDFESQ Simplified LDFESQ
2 * \ingroup LuaQuadrature
3 *
4 * This quadrature is a simplified implementation of the quadrature
5 * defined in the paper by Cheuk Lau and Marvin Adams:
6 * "Discrete Ordinates Quadratures Based on Linear
7 * and Quadratic Discontinuous Finite Elements over
8 * Spherical Quadrilaterals", Nuclear Science and Engineering, 185:1,
9 * pages 36-52, 2017.
10 *
11 * \image html "SLDFESQn40.png" "LDFE Spherical Quadrilaterals at a refinement level of n=40" width=800px
12 *
13 *
14 * # Synopsis
15 * - The initial refinement is generated for the octant where all the
16 * direction cosines are positive. We will call this the first octant.
17 * - A cube of side length \f$a=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\f$ is inscribed within
18 * the unit sphere and the origin planes. This cube has three faces
19 * that project onto the unit sphere in the first octant.
20 * \image html "SLDFESQFig2.png" "The inscribed cube with one of the faces subdivided" width=800px
21 * - Each face of the cube can be described by a local coordinate system,
22 * \f$\tilde{x}\f$, \f$ \tilde{y}\f$. In this reference frame each face
23 * is identically subdivided into an orthogonal grid. The generated
24 * grid-cells are called sub-squares.
25 * - A face and its associated sub-squares, in the local reference frame,
26 * can be rotated and translated
27 * onto the cube faces, for which we will call the reference frame the
28 * \f$xyz\f$-prime reference frame.
29 * - The sub-squares on each face project onto
30 * Spherical Quadrilaterals (SQs) on the unit sphere, a space which we
31 * shall refer to as the \f$xyz\f$ reference frame. Or in the paper
32 * mu-eta-xi.
33 * \image html "SLDFESQFig3.png" width=400px
34 * - Once the SQs are generated we have numerous choices on where to
35 * define quadrature points and associated shape functions. In the LDFE
36 * formulation we need 4 quadrature points and, for simplicity, we restrict
37 * the placement of these points in a certain manner. We form radii, in
38 * the xy-tilde reference, from the sub-square centroids to each corner
39 * of the sub-square (essentially producing sub-sub-squares) and then
40 * chose to place our quadrature points only on these points.
41 * - The placement of the quadrature points can then be projected to
42 * xyz after which the shape function coefficients can be determined.
43 * - The weight of each quadrature point is the spherical surface area
44 * integral of its shape function. This integral is done with a high order
45 * Guass-Legendre quadrature and a Jacobian \f$ \frac{a}{r^3} \f$.
46 * - The original Lau and Adams paper used a Multi-variate secant method to
47 * determine the placement of the quadrature points along the sub-sub-square
48 * radii.
49 *
50 * # Specific notes for the simplified version
51 *
52 * ## Initial sub-division of the inscribed cube face
53 * The orthogonal grid in the xy-tilde reference frame is dependent on a
54 * a diagonal spacing of grid points. The paper by Lau and Adams did not
55 * specify exactly how to generate this spacing but only stated that their
56 * spacing minimizes the max/avg and max/min ratio of projected SQ to
57 * 1.1 and 1.3 respectively. We found that the application of a weighting
58 * function, \f$ \alpha (\cos \beta \frac{\pi}{2} x - \cos \beta \frac{\pi}{2})\f$
59 * produces the optimal spacing. See the code for additional clarification.
60 *
61 * ## Placement of the quadrature points
62 * Instead of using a multi-variate secant method to place the quadrature
63 * points we found that placing the points on the 4 Gauss-Legendre points
64 * for a quadrilateral (\f$[\pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}},\pm \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} ]\f$)still produced 4th order convergence and added a
65 * lot of speed to the algorithm.
66 *
67 * ## Integration of basis functions
68 * The determinant of the Jacobian can be hard to derive. It can be done
69 * in the two ways:
70 * [using a cross-product](../../HTMLimages/SLDFESQ_JacobianA.jpg)
71 * or in [angle-space](../../HTMLimages/SLDFESQ_JacobianB.jpg).
72 *
73 *
74 * ## Local refinement
75 * The data structures employed allows the SQs to easily be refined in certain
76 * regions.
77 *
78 *
79 * */