H Post-Processors


 Post-Processor utils

Detailed Description

1 What is a Post-Processor?

A post-processor, implemented via chi::PostProcessor, computes simple quantities derived from simulation entities (i.e., meshers, solvers, etc.). The most common form of a post-processor is a SCALAR which computes a single value, however, there is a also a VECTOR type and an ARBITRARY type.

2 How are post-processors created

Below is an example of the simplest (and first created) post-processors called the chi::SolverInfoPostProcessor. This post-processor obtains information from a solver, where each solver can override the virtual method chi_physics::Solver::GetInfo to provide any piece(s) of information. In this case the prk::TransientSolver is a mesh-less solver that computes the time-dependent neutron population of a Point-Reactor model.

-- Example Point-Reactor Kinetics solver
phys0 = prk.TransientSolver.Create({ initial_source = 0.0 })
name = "neutron_population",
solver = phys0,
info = {name = "neutron_population"},
print_on = { "ProgramExecuted" }

Post-processors have a few standard parameters.The name parameter is always required among all post-processors. Additionally we have the following:

3 How are post-processors executed?

Post-processors are executed using the event system (see I Event System). Each post-processor can be subscribed to objects deriving from chi::EventPublisher that call the Post-Processors at different stages (Subscriber design pattern). One example is the physics solver-system which has a wrapper to call the post processors on calls to Initialize, Execute, Step and Advance

3.1 Default execute_on events

By default a post-processor subscribes to the following events for execution:

This behavior can be customized by using the execute_on parameter. For example:

name = "neutron_population",
solver = phys0,
info = {name = "neutron_population"},
execute_on = {"ProgramExecuted"},
print_on = { "ProgramExecuted" }

3.2 Post-Processor output controls

Post-Processors are printed to console or file using the chi::PostProcessorPrinter singleton. It has the options described in chi.PostProcessorPrinterOptions which can be set using chi.PostProcessorPrinterSetOptions.

3.2.1 Printing to console output

The following example shows the printing of a simple post processor.

-- Example Point-Reactor Kinetics solver
phys0 = prk.TransientSolver.Create({ initial_source = 0.0 })
name = "neutron_population",
solver = phys0,
info = {name = "neutron_population"},
print_on = { "ProgramExecuted" }
for t=1,20 do
time = chiPRKGetParam(phys0, "time_next")
print(t, time,
chiPRKGetParam(phys0, "population_next"),
chiPRKGetParam(phys0, "period"))
if (time > 0.1) then
prk.SetParam(phys0, "rho", 0.8)
void chiSolverStep(int solver_handle)
void chiSolverInitialize(int solver_handle)
Definition: lua_functions.c:92
void chiSolverAdvance(int solver_handle)
Varying * chiPRKGetParam(int handle, string param_name)

for which the last portion of the output would be:

[0]  Final program time 00:00:00
[0]  2023-09-04 08:32:02 ChiTech finished execution of scratch/RPK/rpk1.lua
[0]  SCALAR post-processors history at event "ProgramExecuted"
[0]  *----------*--------------------*
[0]  | Time     | neutron_population |
[0]  *----------*--------------------*
[0]  | 0.060000 |           1.000000 |
[0]  | 0.070000 |           1.000000 |
[0]  | 0.080000 |           1.000000 |
[0]  | 0.090000 |           1.000000 |
[0]  | 0.100000 |           1.000000 |
[0]  | 0.110000 |           1.000000 |
[0]  | 0.120000 |           3.285132 |
[0]  | 0.130000 |           4.316595 |
[0]  | 0.140000 |           4.807549 |
[0]  | 0.150000 |           5.065645 |
[0]  | 0.160000 |           5.223603 |
[0]  | 0.170000 |           5.338682 |
[0]  | 0.180000 |           5.435592 |
[0]  | 0.190000 |           5.524998 |
[0]  | 0.200000 |           5.611508 |
[0]  |   Latest |           5.611508 |
[0]  *----------*--------------------*
[0]  SCALAR post-processors latest values at event "ProgramExecuted"
[0]  *------------------------------*-----------------*
[0]  | Post-Processor Name          | Value           |
[0]  *------------------------------*-----------------*
[0]  | neutron_population(latest)   |        5.611508 |
[0]  *------------------------------*-----------------*

Here we can see that the chi::PostProcessorPrinter printed both the time history of the post-processor as well its latest value.

The time history can be suppressed by adding the following to the input

print_scalar_time_history = false

which results in only the latest value being printed

[0]  Final program time 00:00:00
[0]  2023-09-04 08:34:41 ChiTech finished execution of scratch/RPK/rpk1.lua
[0]  SCALAR post-processors latest values at event "ProgramExecuted"
[0]  *------------------------------*-----------------*
[0]  | Post-Processor Name          | Value           |
[0]  *------------------------------*-----------------*
[0]  | neutron_population(latest)   |        5.611508 |
[0]  *------------------------------*-----------------*

3.2.2 Exporting to CSV

The time history of a post-processor can also be exported to a Comma Separated Value file (CSV-file) by setting the csv_filename option in chi.PostProcessorPrinterSetOptions. Example:

csv_filename = "rpk1.csv"

3.2.3 Manual printing of post-processors

Post-processors can be printing manually whenever needed by using either a list of post-processor names or handles. For example:

chi.PrintPostProcessors({"test_arb", "period(s)6"}) --using names
chi.PrintPostProcessors({pp0, pp1}) --using handles

3.2.4 Controlling numeric formats

Each post-processor has the options print_numeric_format and print_precision that controls how numbers are printed. For more about this see chi.PostProcessor.