29><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>angular_quadrature_handle</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       A handle to an angular quadrature</span></button>
30<div class="content" style="display: none;">
31 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>INTEGER</TT></span>. A handle to an angular quadrature
35<button type="button" class="droppy2" style=
37background-color: #edf0f5;
38color: #9373A5;
39cursor: pointer;
40border: none;
41text-align: left;
42outline: none;
43font-size: 15px;
44margin: 2px 2px;
45border: 2px solid #687372;
46display: block;
47width: 100%;
48vertical-align: middle;
49padding-top: 4px;
50padding-bottom: 0px;
52><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>groups_from_to</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       The first and last group id this groupset operates on</span></button>
53<div class="content" style="display: none;">
54 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>ARRAY</TT></span>. The first and last group id this groupset operates on. e.g. A 4 group problem <TT>groups_from_to= {0, 3}</TT>
61## Optional Input parameters
64<div style="display: block;">
65<button type="button" class="droppy2" style=
67background-color: #edf0f5;
68color: #9373A5;
69cursor: pointer;
70border: none;
71text-align: left;
72outline: none;
73font-size: 15px;
74margin: 2px 2px;
75border: 2px solid #687372;
76display: block;
77width: 100%;
78vertical-align: middle;
79padding-top: 4px;
80padding-bottom: 0px;
82><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>allow_cycles</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       Flag indicating whether cycles are to be allowed or not</span></button>
83<div class="content" style="display: none;">
84 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>BOOLEAN</TT></span>. Flag indicating whether cycles are to be allowed or not
106><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>angle_aggregation_num_subsets</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       The number of subsets to apply to sets of angles that have been aggregated</span></button>
107<div class="content" style="display: none;">
108 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>INTEGER</TT></span>. The number of subsets to apply to sets of angles that have been aggregated. This is useful for increasing pipeline size for parallel simulations
156><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>apply_tgdsa</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       Flag to turn on Two-Grid Acceleration for this groupset</span></button>
157<div class="content" style="display: none;">
158 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>BOOLEAN</TT></span>. Flag to turn on Two-Grid Acceleration for this groupset
180><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>apply_wgdsa</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       Flag to turn on within-group Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration for this groupset</span></button>
181<div class="content" style="display: none;">
182 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>BOOLEAN</TT></span>. Flag to turn on within-group Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration for this groupset
204><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>gmres_restart_interval</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       If this inner linear solver is gmres, sets the number of iterations before a restart occurs</span></button>
205<div class="content" style="display: none;">
206 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>INTEGER</TT></span>. If this inner linear solver is gmres, sets the number of iterations before a restart occurs.
229><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>groupset_num_subsets</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       The number of subsets to apply to the set of groups in this set</span></button>
230<div class="content" style="display: none;">
231 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>INTEGER</TT></span>. The number of subsets to apply to the set of groups in this set. This is useful for increasing pipeline size for parallel simulations
254><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>inner_linear_method</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       The iterative method to use for inner linear solves</span></button>
255<div class="content" style="display: none;">
256 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>STRING</TT></span>. The iterative method to use for inner linear solves
329><span class="arrow" style="padding-left: 0px;">►</span><TT><B>log_sweep_events</B></TT><span style="color: #c4c1c0;">       Turns on a log of sweep events</span></button>
330<div class="content" style="display: none;">
331 <p><I>type=</I><span style="color: blue;"><TT>BOOLEAN</TT></span>. Turns on a log of sweep events