import numpy as np
import meshpy.triangle as triangle
import meshio
n_circumferential_points =20
radius = 1.0
width = 3.0
points = []
# Define the vertices of the square domain (centered on 0)
points = [(-width/2,-width/2), (width/2,-width/2), (width/2,width/2), (-width/2,width/2),]
# Create a list of points for the circle (centered on 0)
for i in range(n_circumferential_points):
angle = i * 2 * np.pi / n_circumferential_points
points.append((radius * np.cos(angle), radius * np.sin(angle)))
# Define the segments of the square domain
segments = [(0,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,0)]
markers = [1,2,3,4]
Nbeg = len(markers)
# Define the segments for the circle
for i in range(Nbeg,n_circumferential_points+Nbeg):
if i+1 == n_circumferential_points+Nbeg:
ip1 = Nbeg
ip1 = i+1
# Create a mesh info object
mesh_info = triangle.MeshInfo()
# Add points
# Add facets
mesh_info.set_facets(segments, facet_markers=markers)
# Add regions
# inside circle region
mesh_info.regions[0] = [0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.1] # 2d pt + ID + max_vol
# outside circle region
eps = 1e-2
mesh_info.regions[1] = [-width/2+eps,-width/2+eps, 2, 0.1] # 2d pt + ID + max_vol
# Refine the mesh
mesh =, verbose=True, max_volume=0.02, min_angle=25,
attributes=True, generate_faces=True)
# Add a third dimension to the points
points_3d = [(x, y, 0) for x, y in mesh.points]
directory = ""
filename = "pin_01"
meshio.write_points_cells(directory + filename + ".obj",
{"triangle": mesh.elements})
# Save the mesh to an .vtk file
meshio.write_points_cells(directory + filename + ".vtu",
{"triangle": mesh.elements},
cell_data={"attribute": [mesh.element_attributes]})