CFEM Diffusion Test-cases as Tutorials

The following CFEM diffusion test-cases are built on the same 2D square geometry:

  1. CFEM_Diffusion_2D_1a_linear
    • description: pure scatterer, no volumetric source, boundary source, solution is linear
    • feature of potential interest:
      • material properties a Lua functions of position and material ID,
      • use of chiLogicalVolume to define boundaries,
      • field function and export of FF line to python.
  2. CFEM_Diffusion_2D_2a_DirichletBCs
    • description: diffusion-reaction on a 2-region domain, with Dirichlet BCs
    • feature of potential interest:
      • use of chiLogicalVolume to define material regions,
      • material properties a Lua functions of position and material ID.
  3. CFEM_Diffusion_2D_3b_analytical_coef2
    • description: diffusion-reaction problem with space-dependent material properties
    • feature of potential interest:
      • use of chiLogicalVolume to define material regions,
      • material properties a Lua functions of position and material ID.