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1/**\page DevManOOPvsFunc OOP vs Functional Programming
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4## Object Oriented Programming or Functional Programming
6### <CENTER>Chi-Tech uses a healthy balance between OOP and FP</CENTER>
8The fundamental language with which a human provides instructions to a
9 computer has always been **assembly language**. This language,
10 which was pioneered halfway through the 20th century, is specific to
11 a computer architecture and became the lowest level of programming that
12 rose above simply supplying bytes of binary code to the computer.
14Assembly language comprises combinations of keywords and/or numbers to
15 form instructions, with each instruction telling the processor what
16 action to take, whether it is to move data from one memory location
17 to another or to perform an arithmetic operation on some data. By
18 stringing together numerous instructions the complexity of a human
19 thought-process could be made repeatable by a computer, however, the
20 process of generating assembly language programs quickly became tedious.
21 It did not take long before mankind comprehended the need for "packaging"
22 multiple instructions into **macros**, which could be reused and
23 hence the modern programming language was born where macros are
24 standardized and collected into higher level languages
25 (i.e., FORTRAN, C, etc).
27In the 1950s scientific programming revolved around **block programming**,
28 a programming paradigm where
29 thought-processes are arranged as blocks that creates-,
30 transforms- or uses data. This era of programming also included
31 the use of the famous "GOTO" statement which led to the concept
32 of what we today call "spaghetti-code", a style of programming
33 only seen in older programs. The biggest concern with this style
34 is the amount of effort required by a person, other than the creator
35 of the programmer, to understand the overall program structure and flow.
36 The difficulties are mainly associated with the limitations of the
37 human mind to maintain scope and in many cases programmers would find
38 themselves having trouble comprehending programs that they wrote a
39 few weeks or months ago. These problems were greatly reduced with
40 the advent of **structured programming** where the flow of the
41 program is controlled by means of control blocks like if/then/else
42 statements within which blocks of code, called "functions", could
43 be executed. This aligned well with the industrial era where procedures
44 could be regarded as stand-alone parts and the overall flow of the program
45 could be visualized by a process diagram. The general term used
46 today is **functional programming** (FP) and is very effective
47 for certain algorithms.
50The general motivation for functional programming stemmed from a
51 development point of view. In the true sense of talking to the
52 computer, the FP paradigm still resulted in sets of instructions
53 to the computer, however, it was found that reusing, changing or
54 understanding code using block programming proved to be a tremendously
55 difficult task, especially when "GOTO" statements constantly interrupted
56 the linear flow of a program. Functional programming overcame this
57 difficulty by defining stand-alone procedures that had predefined inputs
58 and outputs along with a concept called **local scope**, which is
59 a tremendous improvement that allowed much flexibility with variable
60 names and allowed the programmer to remove the dependence on global data.
61 This paradigm is still very much valid today and greatly improved the
62 process of code development.
65Another programming paradigm, called **object oriented programming**
66 (OOP), was created in the 1960s to allow programmers to structure
67 their code as objects that interact with each other. It ushered-in
68 an era where the complexity of a computer programming could be limitless
69 and the ease of comprehension of computer programs could be increased
70 by relating code concepts to real world objects. This paradigm grew
71 very popular and successful. It allowed for an alternative to the
72 control blocks used in procedural programming and allowed programs to
73 reduce or even eliminate cache-misses (a performance aspect). It's
74 success however, was not long-lived, as the difficulties associated
75 with this paradigm became apparent. One such difficulty was that a
76 program's evolution became dependent on the underlying architecture/layout
77 of objects. If the architecture was flawed from the start the program's
78 development would eventually grind to a halt, where additions or
79 modifications became near impossible.
81OOP allows for the implementation of advanced concepts some of them
82plagued with tremendously risk. Concepts such as inheritance
83and encapsulation offered many rewards whilst simultaneously introducing
86<b>Inheritance</b> allows one to define a parent class of objects,
87with associated procedures called methods, that provide basic
88 functionality that can be used or specialized by child classes.
89 A typical example is a parent class "solver" specialized
90 into "diffusion-solver" or "transport-solver". The concept is
91 useful in many circumstances and is generally very successful if
92 not for the risk of creating categorical hierarchies that ultimately
93 become unmanageable. Inheritance ultimately allows programmers
94 to "program" their code into a corner, from which there is no escape
95 other than to refactor large portions of
96 architecture (if not the whole architecture). In scientific programs,
97 where we need to solve a multitude of different kinds of problems,
98 inheritance can create such a large hierarchical depth that the
99 program becomes very dependent on the programmer's knowledge of
100 the underlying architecture and less on the actual knowledge of
101 problem-solving techniques. Therefore, when the program grows beyond
102 a certain level of complexity, it can be more efficient to write
103 specialized code from scratch than to devote the time to learn and
104 comprehend the hierarchy. Inheritance is not dispensable however,
105 and has a very unique place in modern programming. The ultimate
106 solution is to keep scientific program to a very shallow level of
107 inheritance in order to minimize the hierarchical depth of the
108 architecture.
110<b>Encapsulation</b> allows certain data items of an object to
111 be **private** and therefore protected from incorrect
112 manipulation. It has provided great utility and will be a key
113 feature for many applications but unfortunately the concept also
114 fuels the over-engineering of data structures. This is because
115 objects that are over-encapsulated, cannot easily be modified by
116 procedures living in a FP paradigm, reducing the compatibility of
117 FP with OOP. Architectures that require perfect protection through
118 encapsulation often exhibit an overwhelming focus on the actual
119 "encapsulation" and less focus on the actual working code. There is
120 a healthy trade-off between creating accessor/mutator
121 functions (i.e., getters/setters) and how likely it is that unprotected
122 access will cause undetected problems. In most cases scientific
123 programmers should be more reliant on unit-tests as compared to
124 encapsulation.
127The modern focus of scientific programs should be a healthy balance
128 between OOP and FP and therefore Chi-Tech follows such a paradigm.
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