Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- x -
- x : chi_mesh::Vector3
- x0_ : chi_mesh::RCCLogicalVolume, chi_mesh::SphereLogicalVolume
- x_ : cfem_diffusion::Solver, chi_diffusion::Solver, chi_math::LinearSolver< MatType, VecType, SolverType >, chi_math::NonLinearSolver< MatType, VecType, SolverType >, dfem_diffusion::Solver, fv_diffusion::Solver, mg_diffusion::Solver
- x_localized : chi_math::PETScUtils::GhostVecLocalRaw
- x_localized_raw : chi_math::PETScUtils::GhostVecLocalRaw
- x_old_ : mg_diffusion::Solver
- x_t_ : prk::TransientSolver
- x_tp1_ : prk::TransientSolver
- x_values_ : chi_math::functions::PiecewiseLinear1D
- xbounds_ : chi_mesh::SurfaceMeshLogicalVolume
- xcuts : chi_mesh::VolumeMesher::VOLUME_MESHER_OPTIONS
- xcuts_ : chi::KBAGraphPartitioner, chi_mesh::SurfaceMesher
- xmax : chi_mesh::UnpartitionedMesh::BoundBox
- xmax_ : chi_mesh::RPPLogicalVolume
- xmin : chi_mesh::UnpartitionedMesh::BoundBox
- xmin_ : chi_mesh::RPPLogicalVolume
- xn_wn_ : chi_math::GolubFischer
- XS() : lbs::CellLBSView
- xs_ : chi_physics::AdjointMGXS, lbs::CellLBSView, lbs::SweepChunk, lbs::SweepChunkPWLTransientTheta
- XXNonLinearKEigen() : lbs::XXNonLinearKEigen
- XXPowerIterationKEigen() : lbs::XXPowerIterationKEigen
- XXPowerIterationKEigenSCDSA() : lbs::XXPowerIterationKEigenSCDSA