Static Registration

This page explains the details of the two utility classes ParameterBlock and InputParameters.

1 The general philosophy of Static Registration

First, what is Static Registration? When a c++ program is executed there are a number of phases that occur in order. Once such phase, before entering the main function, is the phase in which all static variables are initialized. We shall call this phase the static initialization phase. In the most basic sense static registration is the process whereby we create a registry of object-constructors during this phase. This registry can then used, during the dynamic phases of the program, to construct objects. A simple example is the code below:

#include <iostream>
#include "DoSomethingFunctions"
static int a = DoSomething();
int main()
std::cout << "The value of a is: " << a << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char **argv)

where the variable int a is initialized, before the main function starts, using a function call, which happens during the static initialization phase of the program.

Rigging static initialization for object factories or object makers

We can use the rather odd dynamics of singleton objects to create a static registry of function creation calls during static initialization. In the code below we define an ObjectMaker class that is a singleton. A singleton is an object of which only a single instance can be created, which we do by declaring a static instance, a bunch of static members methods, a private constructor and deleted copy- and move constructors.

The ObjectMaker maintains a map of string keys to object construction calls. The construction calls always return a pointer to a base class Object but can construct any child object by using the shown template arguments. In order for us to achieve basic static registration we need two templated-methods, these are CallObjectConstructor and RegisterObject in the code below. The first method defines a function-address that we can put into our registry. The second method is the actual method we call to make a registry entry. When we then want to make a registered object we simply call the MakeRegisteredObject method.

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
class Object
int member_;
Object() : member_(99) {}
Object(int member) : member_(member) {}
class ChildObject : public Object
ChildObject() : Object(999) {}
typedef std::function<Object*()> CreationFunction;
class ObjectMaker // Singleton
std::map<std::string, CreationFunction> registry_;
static ObjectMaker& GetInstance() noexcept
static ObjectMaker singleton;
return singleton;
template <typename T>
static Object* CallObjectConstructor() { return new T(); }
template <typename T>
static int RegisterObject(const std::string& register_name)
auto& instance = GetInstance();
std::make_pair(register_name, &CallObjectConstructor<T>));
return 0;
static Object* MakeRegisteredObject(const std::string& obj_name)
auto& instance = GetInstance();
ObjectMaker() = default;
ObjectMaker(const ObjectMaker&) = delete;
ObjectMaker(const ObjectMaker&&) = delete;
ObjectMaker& operator=(const ObjectMaker&) = delete;
// This is where we statically register an object
static int abc12345 = ObjectMaker::RegisterObject<Object>("Parent");
static int abc12346 = ObjectMaker::RegisterObject<ChildObject>("Child");
int main()
Object objectA(98); // Conventional object creation
auto objectB = ObjectMaker::MakeRegisteredObject("Parent");
auto objectC = ObjectMaker::MakeRegisteredObject("Child");
std::cout << "Object A.member_ = " << objectA.member_ << "\n";
std::cout << "Object B.member_ = " << objectB->member_ << "\n";
std::cout << "Object C.member_ = " << objectC->member_ << "\n";
return 0;


Object A.member_ = 98
Object B.member_ = 99
Object C.member_ = 999

Notice that we abuse the static initialization phase right above the main function. We call the static singleton ObjectMaker and RegisterObject to create registry entries for a Parent and a Child. In the main function we then construct some of these statically registered objects.

2 Implementation in ChiTech: ChiObject and ChiObjectFactory

In ChiTech we have to, of course, enhance the functionality by a lot, to this end we have the base object, ChiObject, and the factory, ChiObjectFactory. Also, instead of using raw pointers, we use shared pointers for all objects that can be statically registered.

The factory pattern

We developed a separate system to control object construction parameters (more on this later). Additionally, we do not want developers to come up with unique dummy variable names for the static registration, i.e., static int abc12345 or static int abc12346, just to make use of the ChiObjectFactory, therefore, we use a macro. That works as follows.

In order to register an object within the ChiObjectFactory we created a macro called RegisterChiObject(namespace_name, obj_name). The arguments to this macro, namespace_name and obj_name, then get used to construct the following

RegisterChiObject(namespace_name, ObjectName);
// becomes:
static char unique_var_name_object_ObjectName_0 =
ChiObjectFactory::AddObjectToRegistry<ObjectName, ChiObject>("namespace_name",
#define RegisterChiObject(namespace_name, object_name)

which allows us to abuse static initialization to register the object with text-name "namespace_name::ObjectName". Note that nested namespaces are allowed, e.g., "space1::space1b::space1bc", is allowed.

We also implemented a number of "tricks". For example we created a behind-the-scenes connection to the lua console so that registered objects can be created from the lua input system. We also created a "RegistryDump" where each registered object can dump its input arguments specification so we can use it to build documentation (lessening the burden on the developer).

3 The InputParameters system

All statically registered objects have a common input parameters interface implemented in the general class chi::InputParameters. This allows us to fully support static registration if an object has the following basic structure

#include "ChiObject/chi_object.h"
namespace zorba
class CoolObject : public ChiObject
const int a_;
const double b_;
//Misc. members
static chi::InputParameters GetInputParameters();
CoolObject(const chi::InputParameters& params);
//Misc. methods

Here we have the static member method GetInputParameters which returns a chi::InputParameters object used to assign parameters from user input, and the constructor CoolObject(const chi::InputParameters& params); which uses such an object.

In the definition (.cc) file we then have

#include "CoolObject.h"
#include "ChiObject/object_maker.h"
namespace zorba
RegisterChiObject(chi_unit_tests, CoolObject);
chi::InputParameters CoolObject::GetInputParameters()
params.SetGeneralDescription("A Cool object to play with");
params.SetDocGroup("doc_Coolstuff"); // Documentation link
params.AddRequiredParameter<int>("a", "Coolness factor a");
params.AddOptionalParameter("b", 1.0, "Coolness factor b");
return params;
CoolObject::CoolObject(const chi::InputParameters& params) :
}//namespace zorba
static chi::InputParameters GetInputParameters()
void SetDocGroup(const std::string &doc_group)
void AddRequiredParameter(const std::string &name, const std::string &doc_string)
void AddOptionalParameter(const std::string &name, T value, const std::string &doc_string)
void SetGeneralDescription(const std::string &description)

Creating this object from lua is then as easy as

params = {a = 98, b = 99.0}
cool_obj = zorba.CoolObject.Create(params)

FAQ1 Documentation-strings (Doc-strings)

All parameters must have a documentation string (short name "doc string"). For example:

params.AddRequiredParameter<int>("a", "Coolness factor a");
params.AddOptionalParameter("b", 1.0, "Coolness factor b");

here "Coolness factor a" and "Coolness factor b" are the doc strings for parameters "a" and "b" respectively.

You can also add documentation for the entire object. When the documentation is auto-generated this description will appear at the top.

params.SetGeneralDescription("General test object");

By default the object's documentation will be posted to a group that is reference-able via doxygen as <namespace_name>__<ObjectName> (note the double underscore is a replacement for the namespace scope clarifiers ::). You can link the documentation to other groups by using the SetDocGroup() method. This functionality allows you to customize your documentation according to your needs.

Note: The block of text supplied to SetGeneralDescription is pasted into a documentation page that will be processed by doxygen so all doxygen commands will work here (including formulas, code blocks, and links).

FAQ2 Optional Parameters

Optional parameters must always have a default value. However, you do not necessarily have to use it. In cases where you use a parameter only when supplied, the InputParameters object has the interface method ParametersAtAssignment which returns the parameters used at assignment. It is used as follows:

CoolObject::CoolObject(const chi::InputParameters& params) :
const auto& user_params = params.ParametersAtAssignment();
if (user_params.Has("b"))
b_ = user_params.GetParamValue<double>("b");
const ParameterBlock & ParametersAtAssignment() const
T GetParamValue(const std::string &param_name) const

FAQ3 Inheriting parameters from parent objects

Input parameters can be inherited from parents in the GetInputParameters method call. For example

chi::InputParameters LBSSolver::GetInputParameters()
params += chi::SecondParent::GetInputParameters();
static chi::InputParameters GetInputParameters()

Gets all the parameters from the parent object chi_physics::Solver and then chi::SecondParent, allowing us to change or add to these parameters.

In fact, a pretty slick move here is that we are not bound by classical inheritance. The input parameters of any statically registered object can be snatched and used by simply calling its static GetInputParameters method.

FAQ4 Changing inherited options to optional/required

If a required parameter is to be changed to optional we can do this using the interface ChangeExistingParamToOptional, e.g.,

chi::InputParameters LBSSolver::GetInputParameters()
params.ChangeExistingParamToOptional("name", "LBSDatablock");
void ChangeExistingParamToOptional(const std::string &name, T value, const std::string &doc_string="")

Vice versa there is also ChangeExistingParamToRequired<type>("name").

FAQ5 Deprecated parameters

Parameters in an InputParameters block can be marked as deprecated via 3 different mechanisms:

  • Marking them with a deprecation warning MarkParamaterDeprecatedWarning. This will generate just a warning if the parameter is supplied..
  • Marking them with a deprecation error MarkParamaterDeprecatedError. This will generate an error if the parameter is supplied..
  • Marking them with as renamed MarkParamaterRenamed. This will generate an error if the parameter is supplied if the parameter is supplied.

FAQ6 Constrained ranges

Parameters in an input parameters block can be constrained to the following


chi::InputParameters StrangeSolver::GetInputParameters()
"sdm_type", "The spatial discretization type to be used");
using namespace chi_data_types;
"sdm_type", AllowableRangeList::New({"FV", "PWLC", "PWLD"}));
// etc.
void ConstrainParameterRange(const std::string &param_name, AllowableRangePtr allowable_range)