Developer's manual
Core Content:
Adding code to the system
Using Chi-Tech as a library
Coding conventions
Global variables
Adding Lua-input to the system
Static Registration
The Test System
Coding Tutorials:
Coding Tutorial 1 - Poisson's problem with Finite Volume
Coding Tutorial 2 - Using ghosted vectors
Coding Tutorial 3 - Poisson's problem with PWLC
Coding Tutorial 4 - MMS for Poisson's problem with PWLC
Coding Tutorial 6 - Transport using WDD
Coding Tutorial 91a - Discrete Ordinates with PWLD
Coding Tutorial 93 - Ray-tracing for uncollided flux using random rays.
Reference Content:
The structure of meshes
Development Cycle
OOP vs Functional Programming
The chi_math::UnknownManager
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