Adding Lua-input to the system

Lua is the main scripting system used by ChiTech.

Adding Lua-input

Step 1: Create a source file

First create a .cc file in the location where you want the lua-input to reside. Example: CHI_TECH/LuaTest/

If the folder where the file resides is not covered by a CMakeLists.txt recursion then follow the instructions for adding a code to the system.

Restrictions: The lua-wrapper .cc file must be in a folder that is not shared with .cc files that contain regular non-lua code. In the example above it means we cannot add the wrapper .cc to the general CHI_TECH folder. This is because we use a script to convert the doxygen comments to text used in the input manual.

Step 2: Define a standard lua template with your input function name

In our case the test function will be LuaTest. We add chi to the front of all input language to distinguish it from other lua functions.

Lua-wrapper functions have no real arguments other than the lua-state and always return an integer representing the number of items returned. For more information on how to handle parameters in lua C-api consult the lua-documentation.

General Requirements:

  • The doxygen comments must start with a forward dash and two asterisks. Like / * * but without spaces which was necessary to show it in this document.
  • If you use the param tag then it must be on its own line. The variable name is followed by an indication of the type of the variable and then by the description of the parameter. This gets used in the documentation script to generate the input reference.
  • The closing comment must be an asterisk forward slash. Like * / but without the space which was necessary to show it in this document. And must be on its own line.

Step 3: Add it to the lua-register

In the project directory go to the file CHI_TECH/ChiLua/chi_lua_register.h and add a RegisterFunction call to the register, registering the lua function call to be connected with the lua console. Without out this call the wrapper will not be callable from lua.

If you would like for the function call to be listed under a category then proceed the RegisterFunction call with a comment starting exactly with //module: which will create a module with text matching the text following this piece.

The module tabulation in the manual and the documentation for the parameters will be processed with a script therefore it is important to comment parameters and return values. Some specific notes in the lua-register file

  • //module: provides a categorization of the function on the documenation main page.
  • //\ref will provide a link anchor on the documenation main page.
//module:Test scripts
void chiLBSGroupsetSetTGDSA(int SolverIndex, int GroupsetIndex, int MaxIters, float ResTol, bool Verbose, char PETSCString)
void chiLBSGroupsetSetMaxIterations(int SolverIndex, int GroupsetIndex, int Numiter)
void chiLBSGroupsetSetGroupSubsets(int SolverIndex, int GroupsetIndex, int NumDiv)
void chiLBSGroupsetSetResidualTolerance(int SolverIndex, int GroupsetIndex, float ResidualTol)
void chiLBSGroupsetSetWGDSA(int SolverIndex, int GroupsetIndex, int MaxIters, float ResTol, bool Verbose, char PETSCString)
void chiLBSGroupsetSetIterativeMethod(int SolverIndex, int GroupsetIndex, int IterativeMethod)
void chiLBSGroupsetSetGMRESRestartIntvl(int SolverIndex, int GroupsetIndex, int Intvl)

Step 4: Include it in the documentation script

The module inclusion script is at CHI_TECH/ChiLua/module_lua_inclusion. Add the folder where your lua-wrapper resides to this script:


Final step: Test it!!

Create a script input file and call your function. If it is linked incorrectly the lua scripting system will throw an error like

‘Test.lua:2: attempt to call a nil value (global 'chiLuaTest’)`