Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Monte Carlo based flux estimators traditionally use a number of tracks, traced within a volume, to estimate the scalar flux. For
amount of tracks traced inside a volume,
, originating from a sample of
number of particles/rays, the scalar flux,
, can be estimated with
is the
-th track length. This simply means that the scalar flux is the "average track length per unit volume".
The individual tracks of these particles can be assigned a weight,
, enabling a multitude of features.
For our purposes we are interested in three possible weightings, i) weighting by a spherical harmonic, which can be used to compute flux moments, ii) weighting by average FE shape function values, allowing the projection of flux onto a FE space, and finally iii) weighting with an exponential attenuation, allowing the computation of uncollided flux.
1.1 Weighting with a spherical harmonic
Applying a weight with a spherical harmonic is conceptually simple. For the
-th track we simply set the weight to the spherical harmonic evaluated with the direction,
, of the track,
1.2 Weighting by average FE shape function values
For a DFEM projection of the fluxes we require nodal values, on each cell, for a given flux quantity,
. Therefore we seek
such that
and since
we need to solve the cell-by-cell system defined by
In this system the entries
are simply the entries of the mass matrix,
, and we still need to find the rhs-entries
. This is where we will use the track length based estimators by weighting with the shape functions b_i.
In this formulation we have
the average basis function value along the track. For ordinary Lagrange FE shape functions, which are not defined piecewise, the integral in the numerator can be obtained exactly using a numerical quadrature. For our applications, where we use the PWLD FE shape functions we need to split this integral per segment of the basic cell crossed.
For example, consider the polygon below, where a ray is traced from position
The track traced across the cell needs to be split into the segments defined by the sub-triangles of the polygon it crossed (for polyhedrons this would be the sub-tetrahedrons). Therefore the track
needs to be split into tracks
as per the figure. Therefore the integral becomes
which we can evaluate analytically since it is linear on each segment.
Note: The mapping of
can be quite expensive so in this particular case it would be better to evaluate the shape function at the half-way point of each segment, after which the integral becomes
1.3 Weighting with an exponential attenuation
Weighting with an exponential attenuation adds the final piece of weighting necessary to efficiently compute the uncollided flux.
The exponential attenuation of the uncollided flux,
, along the path of a ray with direction
is expressed as
is the distance traveled and
is the total cross section. From this model we can compute the attenuation across a cell, with constant
, as
is the value of
when it entered the cell.
To assimilate all of this into a raytracing algorithm we start a source particle with a weight,
, which acts as the proxy for
). From this we can determine the nodal uncollided flux,
, in a similar fashion as we would determine the regular flux, i.e.,
however, now we need additional treatment for the integral containing
, for which we have
where, this time,
Note here that
is a function of position, specifically
and so is the basis function
The form of this integral needs to split into segments in the same way we did in the previous subsection. Therefore, given K amount of segments, we now have
is the track length of the
-th segment and
is the average weight of this segment. The weight is computed with
are the beginning and ending positions of segment
Note here that, since we have an expression for
, we can compute
at any point along track
including at the start of any segment. Therefore we define
which allows us to express
Additionally we express the basis functions on a segment, since we know the shape function is linear on the segment, as
are the basis function values at the beginning and end of the segment, respectively. These two expressions allow us to evaluate the segment average weight as
and since
we can simplify this expression as
which is in the general form
With these constants defined the expression can be evaluated analytically
2 Program setup
We start by getting the grid as usual:
const auto& grid = *grid_ptr;
chi::log.Log() << "Global num cells: " << grid.GetGlobalNumberOfCells();
chi_mesh::MeshContinuumPtr & GetGrid() const
MeshHandler & GetCurrentHandler()
Note here that we grab the dimension
Next we set a number of parameters important to the simulation:
const size_t num_groups = 1;
const size_t scattering_order = 1;
const auto& L = scattering_order;
const size_t num_moments =
(dimension == 1)? L + 1 :
(dimension == 2)? (L+1)*(L+2)/2 :
(dimension == 3)? (L+1)*(L+1) : 0;
const double sigma_t = 0.27;
std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> m_to_ell_em_map;
if (dimension == 1)
for (int ell=0; ell<=scattering_order; ell++)
else if (dimension == 2)
for (int ell=0; ell<=scattering_order; ell++)
for (int m=-ell; m<=ell; m+=2)
else if (dimension == 3)
for (int ell=0; ell<=scattering_order; ell++)
for (int m=-ell; m<=ell; m++)
The interesting items here includes the scattering_order
and the map from linear moment index to harmonic indices, m_to_ell_em_map
. See the LBS Whitepaper for the detail of this but in a nutshell... Only some of the harmonics are relevant in certain dimensions.
Next we build the spatial discretization, which in this case would be a PWLD discretization, and we do this as normal:
typedef std::shared_ptr<chi_math::SpatialDiscretization>
SDMPtr sdm_ptr = chi_math::SpatialDiscretization_PWLD::New(grid_ptr);
const auto& sdm = *sdm_ptr;
std::shared_ptr< SpatialDiscretization > SDMPtr
For the unknown manager and DOF-counts we build an unknown manager as follows:
for (size_t m=0; m<num_moments; ++m)
unsigned int AddUnknown(UnknownType unk_type, unsigned int dimension=0)
And then grab the dof-counts
const size_t num_fem_local_dofs = sdm.GetNumLocalDOFs(phi_uk_man);
const size_t num_fem_globl_dofs = sdm.GetNumGlobalDOFs(phi_uk_man);
chi::log.Log() << "Num local FEM DOFs: " << num_fem_local_dofs;
chi::log.Log() << "Num globl FEM DOFs: " << num_fem_globl_dofs;
This allows us to define the business end, which is the flux tally vector:
std::vector<double> phi_tally(num_fem_local_dofs, 0.0);
3 The particle/ray data structure
The particle/ray data structure is the packet of data that we will be sending around in our ray tracing algorithm. First we need the basic structure:
struct Particle
Vec3 position = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
Vec3 direction = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
int energy_group = 0;
double weight = 1.0;
uint64_t cell_id = 0;
bool alive = true;
This is all basic stuff. Essentially the particle's state is tracked with the members position
, direction
, energy_group
and weight
. The other two members are simply auxiliary items to assist with the transport process.
Next we define a source, along with the determining which cell contains the source:
const Vec3 source_pos = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
for (auto& cell : grid.local_cells)
if (grid.CheckPointInsideCell(cell, source_pos))
source_cell_ptr = &cell;
if (source_cell_ptr == nullptr)
throw std::logic_error(fname + ": Source cell not found.");
const uint64_t source_cell_id = source_cell_ptr->global_id;
Notice here we used the grid utility CheckPointInsideCell
4 Utility lambdas
In this section we define 3 utility functions in the form of c++ lambdas. i) A routine to sample a random direction. This gets used when we sample the source. ii) A routine to contribute a track to a PWLD tally. This is very complicated and will be explained. iii) A routine to approximate a given cell's size. The approximate cell sizes are used by the raytracer (which we will discuss later) to set appropriate tolerances used during the sub-routines of the raytracer.
4.1 Sampling a random direction
Given a random number generator we can use two random numbers to sample the azimuthal- and polar directions. The azimuthal angle is sampled uniformly, i.e.,
whilst the polar angle is determined by sampling the cosine of the polar angle uniformly, i.e.,
auto SampleRandomDirection = [&rng]()
double costheta = 2.0*rng.
Rand() - 1.0;
double theta = acos(costheta);
double varphi = rng.
sin(theta) * sin(varphi),
It is important to note that one should only use a single random number, which, gets reused, and not define new ones since the random seed for new generators will be the same.
4.2 PWLD Tally contribution
The tally contribution routine takes a track, defined by a starting and ending position, and contributes it to the specified cell's tally information. Of course additional information about the particle creating the track is also provided, i.e., the direction, energy group index and weight at the starting position.
auto ContributePWLDTally = [&sdm,&grid,&phi_tally,&phi_uk_man,&sigma_t,
const Vec3& positionA,
const Vec3& positionB,
const Vec3& omega,
const int g,
double weight)
const auto& cell_mapping = sdm.GetCellMapping(cell);
const size_t num_nodes = cell_mapping.NumNodes();
const double phi = phi_theta.first;
const double theta = phi_theta.second;
std::vector<double> segment_lengths;
std::vector<double> shape_values_k;
std::vector<double> shape_values_kp1;
double d_run_sum = 0.0;
for (const auto& segment_length_k : segment_lengths)
d_run_sum += segment_length_k;
const double& d = d_run_sum;
cell_mapping.ShapeValues(positionA+omega*d, shape_values_kp1);
const auto& b_ik = shape_values_k;
const auto& b_ikp1 = shape_values_kp1;
const double& ell_k = segment_length_k;
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
const double C0 = b_ik[i] * ell_k;
const double C1 = b_ikp1[i] - b_ik[i];
for (size_t m=0; m < num_moments; ++m)
const int64_t dof_map = sdm.MapDOFLocal(cell, i, phi_uk_man, m, g);
const auto& ell_em =;
const int ell = ell_em.first;
const int em = ell_em.second;
double w_exp = (C0 / sigma_t) * (1.0 - exp(-sigma_t * ell_k)) +
(C1 / (sigma_t * sigma_t)) *
(1.0 - (1 + sigma_t * ell_k) * exp(-sigma_t * ell_k));
w_exp *= weight / (ell_k * ell_k);
double w_avg = w_harmonic * w_exp;
phi_tally[dof_map] += ell_k * w_avg ;
shape_values_k = shape_values_kp1;
weight *= exp(-sigma_t * segment_length_k);
std::pair< double, double > OmegaToPhiThetaSafe(const chi_mesh::Vector3 &omega)
double Ylm(unsigned int ell, int m, double varphi, double theta)
void PopulateRaySegmentLengths(const chi_mesh::MeshContinuum &grid, const Cell &cell, const chi_mesh::Vector3 &line_point0, const chi_mesh::Vector3 &line_point1, const chi_mesh::Vector3 &omega, std::vector< double > &segment_lengths)
The first portion of this routine is just housekeeping,
const auto& cell_mapping = sdm.GetCellMapping(cell);
const size_t num_nodes = cell_mapping.NumNodes();
const double phi = phi_theta.first;
const double theta = phi_theta.second;
We get the cell mapping, number of nodes, and we convert the direction vector to a
pair. The latter will be used for the harmonic weighting.
Next we determing the segments crossed by this track. This information is populated into a vector of segment lengths, sorted according to the direction traveled by the ray, by using the routine chi_mesh::PopulateRaySegmentLengths()
std::vector<double> segment_lengths;
We then declare two vectors that will hold the shape function values at different places on the segments. We can immediately determine the shape values at
since this will be at position A.
std::vector<double> shape_values_k;
std::vector<double> shape_values_kp1;
Next we start looping over the segments.
double d_run_sum = 0.0;
for (const auto& segment_length_k : segment_lengths)
d_run_sum += segment_length_k;
const double& d = d_run_sum;
cell_mapping.ShapeValues(positionA+omega*d, shape_values_kp1);
const auto& b_ik = shape_values_k;
const auto& b_ikp1 = shape_values_kp1;
const double& ell_k = segment_length_k;
We determine the end position of the segment using a running sum of the total segments traversed. We then populate the shape function values at
and rename both sets of shape function values and the segment length for convenience.
Next we loop over the nodes and moments.
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
const double C0 = b_ik[i] * ell_k;
const double C1 = b_ikp1[i] - b_ik[i];
for (size_t m=0; m < num_moments; ++m)
const int64_t dof_map = sdm.MapDOFLocal(cell, i, phi_uk_man, m, g);
Once a node is identified we compute the constants C0 and C1. Also once in the moment loop we can obtain the DOF local index of the tally.
Next we compute the harmonic weighting:
const auto& ell_em =;
const int ell = ell_em.first;
const int em = ell_em.second;
Then we compute the exponential weighting based on the formula
with the code
double w_exp = (C0 / sigma_t) * (1.0 - exp(-sigma_t * ell_k)) +
(C1 / (sigma_t * sigma_t)) *
(1.0 - (1 + sigma_t * ell_k) * exp(-sigma_t * ell_k));
w_exp *= weight / (ell_k * ell_k);
Finally, the average weight is computed and the tally contribution is made
double w_avg = w_harmonic * w_exp;
phi_tally[dof_map] += ell_k * w_avg ;
At the end of each segment being processed we copy the shape function values at
, preventing us from having to compute the values at
again (which can be expensive). We also apply the exponential attenuation to the particle weight over the segment.
shape_values_k = shape_values_kp1;
weight *= exp(-sigma_t * segment_length_k);
4.3 Approximating cell size
To obtain a very rough estimate of a cell's size we simply determine its bounding box:
const auto& v0 = grid.vertices[cell.vertex_ids[0]];
double xmin = v0.x, xmax = v0.x;
double ymin = v0.y, ymax = v0.y;
double zmin = v0.z, zmax = v0.z;
for (uint64_t vid : cell.vertex_ids)
const auto& v = grid.vertices[vid];
xmin = std::min(xmin, v.x); xmax = std::max(xmax, v.x);
ymin = std::min(ymin, v.y); ymax = std::max(ymax, v.y);
zmin = std::min(zmin, v.z); zmax = std::max(zmax, v.z);
The code here should be self explanatory.
5 The raytracer
Instantiating a chi_mesh::RayTracer
object is very simple. It just needs the grid and the approximate cell sizes.
std::vector<double> cell_sizes(grid.local_cells.size(), 0.0);
for (const auto& cell : grid.local_cells)
cell_sizes[cell.local_id] = GetCellApproximateSize(cell);
6 Executing the algorithms
The basic process of simulating all the rays is fairly simple
const size_t num_particles = 10'000'000;
for (size_t n=0; n<num_particles; ++n)
if (n % size_t(num_particles/10.0) == 0)
std::cout << "#particles = " << n << "\n";
const auto omega = SampleRandomDirection();
Particle particle{source_pos,
while (particle.alive)
const auto& cell = grid.cells[particle.cell_id];
auto destination_info = ray_tracer.TraceRay(cell,
const Vec3& end_of_track_position = destination_info.pos_f;
const int g = particle.energy_group;
if (sdm.type == PWLD)
if (not destination_info.particle_lost)
const auto& f = destination_info.destination_face_index;
const auto& current_cell_face = cell.faces[f];
if (current_cell_face.has_neighbor)
particle.cell_id = current_cell_face.neighbor_id;
particle.alive = false;
std::cout << "particle" << n << " lost "
<< particle.position.PrintStr() << " "
<< particle.direction.PrintStr() << " "
<< "\n";
const auto& pA = particle.position;
const auto& pB = end_of_track_position;
particle.weight *= exp(-sigma_t*(pB-pA).Norm());
particle.position = end_of_track_position;
We start the process with the loop
const size_t num_particles = 10'000'000;
for (size_t n=0; n<num_particles; ++n)
if (n % size_t(num_particles/10.0) == 0)
std::cout << "#particles = " << n << "\n";
The information printing line simply prints at each 10% of completion.
We then create a source particle/ray
const auto omega = SampleRandomDirection();
Particle particle{source_pos,
Next we keep transporting the particle as long as it is alive. The beginning of this loop is
while (particle.alive)
const auto& cell = grid.cells[particle.cell_id];
auto destination_info = ray_tracer.TraceRay(cell,
const Vec3& end_of_track_position = destination_info.pos_f;
After a trace we have one single track within a cell.
We then contribute the PWLD tally
Next we process the transfer of the particle to the next cell. If the particle hit a cell face without a neighbor then the particle is killed (i.e., alive
set to false. Under some circumstances the raytracer could also fail, resulting in a lost particle, for which we print a verbose message.
if (not destination_info.particle_lost)
const auto& f = destination_info.destination_face_index;
const auto& current_cell_face = cell.faces[f];
if (current_cell_face.has_neighbor)
particle.cell_id = current_cell_face.neighbor_id;
particle.alive = false;
std::cout << "particle" << n << " lost "
<< particle.position.PrintStr() << " "
<< particle.direction.PrintStr() << " "
<< "\n";
Lastly we update the particle's attenuation and position
const auto& pA = particle.position;
const auto& pB = end_of_track_position;
particle.weight *= exp(-sigma_t*(pB-pA).Norm());
particle.position = end_of_track_position;
7 Post-processing the tallies
The tallies up to this point are still in raw format. We need to convert them to the project fashion we want.
for (const auto& cell : grid.local_cells)
const auto& cell_mapping = sdm.GetCellMapping(cell);
const auto& qp_data = cell_mapping.MakeVolumeQuadraturePointData();
const size_t num_nodes = cell_mapping.NumNodes();
for (auto qp : qp_data.QuadraturePointIndices())
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
for (size_t j=0; j<num_nodes; ++j)
M[i][j] += qp_data.ShapeValue(i,qp) * qp_data.ShapeValue(j, qp) *
for (size_t m=0; m<num_moments; ++m)
for (size_t g=0; g<num_groups; ++g)
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
const int64_t imap = sdm.MapDOFLocal(cell, i, phi_uk_man, m, g);
b[i] = phi_tally[imap] / num_particles;
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
const int64_t imap = sdm.MapDOFLocal(cell, i, phi_uk_man, m, g);
phi_tally[imap] = c[i];
std::vector< VecDbl > MatDbl
std::vector< double > VecDbl
MatDbl Inverse(const MatDbl &A)
MatDbl MatMul(const MatDbl &A, const double c)
The first portion of the loop is simply housekeeping again
for (const auto& cell : grid.local_cells)
const auto& cell_mapping = sdm.GetCellMapping(cell);
const auto& qp_data = cell_mapping.MakeVolumeQuadraturePointData();
const size_t num_nodes = cell_mapping.NumNodes();
for (auto qp : qp_data.QuadraturePointIndices())
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
for (size_t j=0; j<num_nodes; ++j)
M[i][j] += qp_data.ShapeValue(i,qp) * qp_data.ShapeValue(j, qp) *
We get the cell mapping, quadrature point data, and we build the mass matrix. Recall that we need
such that
which requires us to solve the small system
. Since the mass matrix is such a small matrix we just directly invert it to be used for all groups and moments.
Next we loop over all moments and groups.
for (size_t m=0; m<num_moments; ++m)
for (size_t g=0; g<num_groups; ++g)
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
const int64_t imap = sdm.MapDOFLocal(cell, i, phi_uk_man, m, g);
T[i] = phi_tally[imap] / num_particles;
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
const int64_t imap = sdm.MapDOFLocal(cell, i, phi_uk_man, m, g);
phi_tally[imap] = phi_uc[i];
Within the moment and group loop we first set the entries of
to the normalized tally values. Thereafter we multiply
from the left with
to get
. Finally we reuse the tally data and set the nodal values of the tally to the uncollided projected flux.
8 Exporting field functions
Creating the field functions is similar to what we did in previous tutorials
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<chi_physics::FieldFunction>> ff_list;
const size_t num_m0_dofs = sdm.GetNumLocalDOFs(m0_uk_man);
std::vector<double> m0_phi(num_m0_dofs, 0.0);
chi_physics::FieldFunction::FFList const_ff_list;
for (const auto& ff_ptr : ff_list)
The visualization below shows a logarithmic scale warp of the flux values for both the uncollided algorithm and a LBS simulation using a product quadrature with 96 azimuthal angles and 48 polar angles per octant (18,432 directions total).
The left of the figure is the uncollided algorithm and the right is LBS. Notice the stochastic "noise" from the uncollided algorithm.
The complete program
#include "chi_lua.h"
#include "math/SpatialDiscretization/FiniteElement/PiecewiseLinear/pwl.h"
#include "physics/FieldFunction/fieldfunction2.h"
namespace chi_unit_sim_tests
int chiSimTest93_RayTracing(lua_State* Lstate)
const std::string fname = "chiSimTest93_RayTracing";
chi::log.Log() << "chiSimTest93_RayTracing";
const auto& grid = *grid_ptr;
chi::log.Log() << "Global num cells: " << grid.GetGlobalNumberOfCells();
const size_t num_groups = 1;
const size_t scattering_order = 1;
const auto& L = scattering_order;
const size_t num_moments =
(dimension == 1)? L + 1 :
(dimension == 2)? (L+1)*(L+2)/2 :
(dimension == 3)? (L+1)*(L+1) : 0;
const double sigma_t = 0.27;
std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> m_to_ell_em_map;
if (dimension == 1)
for (int ell=0; ell<=scattering_order; ell++)
else if (dimension == 2)
for (int ell=0; ell<=scattering_order; ell++)
for (int m=-ell; m<=ell; m+=2)
else if (dimension == 3)
for (int ell=0; ell<=scattering_order; ell++)
for (int m=-ell; m<=ell; m++)
typedef std::shared_ptr<chi_math::SpatialDiscretization>
SDMPtr sdm_ptr = chi_math::SpatialDiscretization_PWLD::New(grid_ptr);
const auto& sdm = *sdm_ptr;
for (size_t m=0; m<num_moments; ++m)
const size_t num_fem_local_dofs = sdm.GetNumLocalDOFs(phi_uk_man);
const size_t num_fem_globl_dofs = sdm.GetNumGlobalDOFs(phi_uk_man);
chi::log.Log() << "Num local FEM DOFs: " << num_fem_local_dofs;
chi::log.Log() << "Num globl FEM DOFs: " << num_fem_globl_dofs;
std::vector<double> phi_tally(num_fem_local_dofs, 0.0);
struct Particle
Vec3 position = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
Vec3 direction = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
int energy_group = 0;
double weight = 1.0;
uint64_t cell_id = 0;
bool alive = true;
const Vec3 source_pos = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
for (auto& cell : grid.local_cells)
if (grid.CheckPointInsideCell(cell, source_pos))
source_cell_ptr = &cell;
if (source_cell_ptr == nullptr)
throw std::logic_error(fname + ": Source cell not found.");
const uint64_t source_cell_id = source_cell_ptr->global_id;
auto SampleRandomDirection = [&rng]()
double costheta = 2.0*rng.
Rand() - 1.0;
double theta = acos(costheta);
double varphi = rng.
sin(theta) * sin(varphi),
auto ContributePWLDTally = [&sdm,&grid,&phi_tally,&phi_uk_man,&sigma_t,
const Vec3& positionA,
const Vec3& positionB,
const Vec3& omega,
const int g,
double weight)
const auto& cell_mapping = sdm.GetCellMapping(cell);
const size_t num_nodes = cell_mapping.NumNodes();
const double phi = phi_theta.first;
const double theta = phi_theta.second;
std::vector<double> segment_lengths;
std::vector<double> shape_values_k;
std::vector<double> shape_values_kp1;
double d_run_sum = 0.0;
for (const auto& segment_length_k : segment_lengths)
d_run_sum += segment_length_k;
const double& d = d_run_sum;
cell_mapping.ShapeValues(positionA+omega*d, shape_values_kp1);
const auto& b_ik = shape_values_k;
const auto& b_ikp1 = shape_values_kp1;
const double& ell_k = segment_length_k;
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
const double C0 = b_ik[i] * ell_k;
const double C1 = b_ikp1[i] - b_ik[i];
for (size_t m=0; m < num_moments; ++m)
const int64_t dof_map = sdm.MapDOFLocal(cell, i, phi_uk_man, m, g);
const auto& ell_em =;
const int ell = ell_em.first;
const int em = ell_em.second;
double w_exp = (C0 / sigma_t) * (1.0 - exp(-sigma_t * ell_k)) +
(C1 / (sigma_t * sigma_t)) *
(1.0 - (1 + sigma_t * ell_k) * exp(-sigma_t * ell_k));
w_exp *= weight / (ell_k * ell_k);
double w_avg = w_harmonic * w_exp;
phi_tally[dof_map] += ell_k * w_avg ;
shape_values_k = shape_values_kp1;
weight *= exp(-sigma_t * segment_length_k);
const auto& v0 = grid.vertices[cell.vertex_ids[0]];
double xmin = v0.x, xmax = v0.x;
double ymin = v0.y, ymax = v0.y;
double zmin = v0.z, zmax = v0.z;
for (uint64_t vid : cell.vertex_ids)
const auto& v = grid.vertices[vid];
xmin = std::min(xmin, v.x); xmax = std::max(xmax, v.x);
ymin = std::min(ymin, v.y); ymax = std::max(ymax, v.y);
zmin = std::min(zmin, v.z); zmax = std::max(zmax, v.z);
std::vector<double> cell_sizes(grid.local_cells.size(), 0.0);
for (const auto& cell : grid.local_cells)
cell_sizes[cell.local_id] = GetCellApproximateSize(cell);
const size_t num_particles = 1'000'000;
for (size_t n=0; n<num_particles; ++n)
if (n % size_t(num_particles/10.0) == 0)
std::cout << "#particles = " << n << "\n";
const auto omega = SampleRandomDirection();
Particle particle{source_pos,
while (particle.alive)
const auto& cell = grid.cells[particle.cell_id];
auto destination_info = ray_tracer.TraceRay(cell,
const Vec3& end_of_track_position = destination_info.pos_f;
if (not destination_info.particle_lost)
const auto& f = destination_info.destination_face_index;
const auto& current_cell_face = cell.faces[f];
if (current_cell_face.has_neighbor)
particle.cell_id = current_cell_face.neighbor_id;
particle.alive = false;
std::cout << "particle" << n << " lost "
<< particle.position.PrintStr() << " "
<< particle.direction.PrintStr() << " "
<< "\n";
const auto& pA = particle.position;
const auto& pB = end_of_track_position;
particle.weight *= exp(-sigma_t*(pB-pA).Norm());
particle.position = end_of_track_position;
for (const auto& cell : grid.local_cells)
const auto& cell_mapping = sdm.GetCellMapping(cell);
const auto& qp_data = cell_mapping.MakeVolumeQuadraturePointData();
const size_t num_nodes = cell_mapping.NumNodes();
for (auto qp : qp_data.QuadraturePointIndices())
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
for (size_t j=0; j<num_nodes; ++j)
M[i][j] += qp_data.ShapeValue(i,qp) * qp_data.ShapeValue(j, qp) *
for (size_t m=0; m<num_moments; ++m)
for (size_t g=0; g<num_groups; ++g)
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
const int64_t imap = sdm.MapDOFLocal(cell, i, phi_uk_man, m, g);
T[i] = phi_tally[imap] / num_particles;
for (size_t i=0; i<num_nodes; ++i)
const int64_t imap = sdm.MapDOFLocal(cell, i, phi_uk_man, m, g);
phi_tally[imap] = phi_uc[i];
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<chi_physics::FieldFunction>> ff_list;
const size_t num_m0_dofs = sdm.GetNumLocalDOFs(m0_uk_man);
std::vector<double> m0_phi(num_m0_dofs, 0.0);
chi_physics::FieldFunction::FFList const_ff_list;
for (const auto& ff_ptr : ff_list)
return 0;