The Test System

Tests are extremely important to the overall vision of the project. They can be tests to see if a simulation behaves in a certain way, tests to check input language is handled appropriately, tests to check that operations produce the expected result, and even checks for certain error or warning behavior. In a nutshell... it assures that you know if something breaks.

The test system is contained in the test directory of the project.

├── doc
├── external
├── framework
├── modules
├── resources
├── test    <-- Here
├── tutorials
├── CMakeLists.txt

Within this directory we have the run_tests script.

├── bin             <-- Test executable in here
├── framework
├── modules
├── src             <-- in here
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── run_tests       <-- Primary script

1 Compiling the tests

The test sources, contained throughout the test directory, is compiled along with the regular project but it does not form part of the library (it is a separate executable). We can do this because ChiTech's compile time is super short, and ddditionally, the benefit is that we can get compiler errors if we break any interfaces.

The entry point for the test executable is the contained in the test/src directory. Thereafter all other tests sources are added to the executable and linked together using Static Registration.

The executable is called ChiTech_test and is contained in the bin directory.

2 What is a test?

Comprises up to 4 things:

  • A directory in which the test resides. Multiple tests can be in the same directory.
  • A .lua input file that will initiate the tests.
  • A .json configuration file specifying one or more tests with associated checks. Our convention is to have just one of these in a folder and to name it YTests.json (the Y always places it at the bottom of the directory)
  • Optional. A .cc file implementing specific unit testing code.
  • Optional. A .gold file if the test involves a gold-file check.

Example test:

├── example_test.lua
└── YTests.json

Here we have example_test.lua that contains only a single line:


which executes a wrapped function defined in

#include "chi_runtime.h"
#include "chi_log.h"
namespace chi_unit_tests
Chi::log.Log() << "This is an example test";
} // namespace chi_unit_tests
#define RegisterWrapperFunction( namespace_name, name_in_lua, syntax_function, actual_function)
Definition: chi_console.h:56
static chi::ChiLog & log
Definition: chi_runtime.h:81
LogStream Log(LOG_LVL level=LOG_0)

The YTests.json has the following syntax:

"comment" : "Example test configuration",
"file" : "example_test.lua", "num_procs" : 1, "checks" :
{ "type" : "StrCompare", "key" : "This is an example test" },
{ "type" : "ErrorCode", "error_code" : 0}

Where we introduce our JSON test configuration option.

  • The JSON file starts with a square-bracket wrap [...] defining an array of Test Blocks.
  • Each Test Block is wrapped with curly-braces {...}. For this example the test had the following parameters:
    • "comment" = Free to use to annotate a test. Does not get used internally.
    • "file" = The name of the .lua that initiates the test.
    • "num_procs" = The number of mpi processes to use.
    • "checks" = An array of checks [..Checks..], where we have the following checks:
      • StrCompare check. Checks for the presence of a key string.
      • ErrorCode check. Checks for a specified exit code. In this case 0, meaning successful execution.

2.1 Test-blocks documentation

Specifies a specific test Parameters:

  • "file" : The name of the .lua that initiates the test.
  • "num_procs" : The number of mpi processes to use.
  • "checks" : An array of checks [..Checks..]
  • "args" : An array of arguments to pass to the executable
  • "weight_class" : An optional string, either "short", "intermediate" or "long" used to filter different tests length. The default is "short". "long" should be used for tests >2min.
  • "outfileprefix" : Optional parameter. Will default to "file" but can be to change the output file name (outfileprefix+".out") so that the same input file can be used for different tests.
  • "skip" : Optional parameter. Must be non-empty string stating the reason the test was skipped. The presence of this string causes the test to be skipped.

All other keys are ignored so feel free to peruse something like "comment" to annotate the test.

2.2 Checks documentation

Currently we have the following tests:

2.2.1 KeyValuePairCheck

Looks for a key with a floating point value right after it.

  • "type" : "KeyValuePair"
  • "key" : The key-string to look for
  • "goldvalue" : Float value
  • "tol" : Tolerance on the goldvalue
  • "skip_lines_until" : Optional. Do not check lines in the output file until this string is encountered. e.g. "skip_lines_until": "LinearBoltzmann::KEigenvalueSolver execution". This is useful if a simulation is expected to have multiples of the key-string but you only want the last one.

2.2.2 StrCompareCheck

Can do one of two things, 1) looks for the presence of the key, returns success if it is present, or 2) looks for the presence of the key and if present (and the "wordnum" parameter is present then checks if the "wordnum"-th word equals that specified by the "gold" value.

  • "type" : "StrCompare"
  • "key" : The key-string to look for
  • "wordnum" : Optional. If supplied then "gold" needs to specified.
  • "gold" : Golden word
  • "skip_lines_until" : Optional. Do not check lines in the output file until this string is encountered. e.g. "skip_lines_until": "LinearBoltzmann::KEigenvalueSolver execution". This is useful if a simulation is expected to have multiples of the key-string but you only want the last one.

2.2.3 FloatCompareCheck

On the line containing the key, compares the "wordnum"-th word against the specified gold-value.

  • "type" : "FloatCompare"
  • "key" : The key-string to look for
  • "wordnum" : The word number on the line containing the key that will be used in the check.
  • "gold" : Golden value (float)
  • "tol" : The floating point tolerance to use
  • "skip_lines_until" : Optional. Do not check lines in the output file until this string is encountered. e.g. "skip_lines_until": "LinearBoltzmann::KEigenvalueSolver execution". This is useful if a simulation is expected to have multiples of the key-string but you only want the last one.

2.2.4 IntCompareCheck

Integer version of 2.2.3 FloatCompareCheck. On the line containing the key, compares the "wordnum"-th word against the specified gold-value.

  • "type" : "IntCompare"
  • "key" : The key-string to look for
  • "wordnum" : The word number on the line containing the key that will be used in the check.
  • "gold" : Golden value (int)
  • "skip_lines_until" : Optional. Do not check lines in the output file until this string is encountered. e.g. "skip_lines_until": "LinearBoltzmann::KEigenvalueSolver execution". This is useful if a simulation is expected to have multiples of the key-string but you only want the last one.

2.2.5 ErrorCodeCheck

Compares the return/error code of the test with a specified value.

  • "type" : "ErrorCode"
  • "error_code" : The return code required to pass

2.2.6 GoldFileCheck

Compares the contents of the test output to a golden output file.

  • "type" : "GoldFile"
  • "scope_keyword" : Optional. Restrict the gold comparison to within a section of the respective gold/output file that are between the keywords <scope_keyword>_BEGIN and <scope_keyword>_END.
  • "candidate_filename" : Optional. If supplied, this check will use this file rather than the test's output file. For example if zorba.csv is provided then zorba.csv will be compared against
  • "skiplines_top": Number of lines at the top of both the gold and comparison file to skip in the comparison check.

3 Running the test system

The tests are executed by executing the run_tests script, for example:

> test/run_tests -j 8 --directory test


> test/run_tests -j 8 -d test

Example portion of the output:

Description of what you are looking at:
[XX]<test directory>/<lua filename>.lua.......[annotations]Passed/Failed
[XX] = number of mpi processes
[annotations] = error messages preventing a test from running
[lua file missing] = A test pointing to a .lua file was indicated in a .json file but the actual lua file is missing.
[Gold file missing] = Test with a GoldFile check has no .gold file in the gold/ directory. If the input is Input.lua
then there needs to be a file in the gold directory. If this was the first run
then copy Input.lua.out from the out/ directory and use that as the gold.
[Python error] = A python error occurred. Run with -v 1 to see the error.
[ 1]test/framework/chi_misc_utils/chi_misc_utils_test_00.lua......................................................Passed
[ 1]test/framework/parameters/params_test_00.lua..................................................................Passed
[ 1]test/framework/parameters/params_test_01a.lua.................................................................Passed
[ 1]test/framework/parameters/params_test_01b.lua.................................................................Passed
[ 1]test/framework/parameters/params_test_01c.lua.................................................................Passed
[ 2]test/framework/chi_data_types/chi_data_types_test_00.lua......................................................Passed
[ 1]test/framework/parameters/params_test_01d.lua.................................................................Passed
[ 4]test/framework/chi_mesh/ReadWavefrontObj1.lua.................................................................Passed
[ 1]test/framework/tutorials/fv_test1.lua.........................................................................Passed
[ 1]test/framework/tutorials/fv_test2.lua.........................................................................Passed
[ 1]test/framework/tutorials/tutorial_06_wdd.lua..................................................................Passed
[ 4]test/framework/tutorials/pwlc_test1.lua.......................................................................Passed
[ 1]test/framework/chi_math/chi_math_test_00.lua..................................................................Passed

The run_tests script can be executed on any folder within the test directory. This is a really great feature, it means that you can restrict your testing to specific areas of the code. For example, if you know you only made changes to a specific module then there is no need to rerun the framework tests.

The run_tests has a number of useful arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        The test directory to process
  -t TEST, --test TEST  A specific test to run
  --exe EXE             The executable to use for testing
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Allow N jobs at once
  -v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
                        Controls verbose failure

The functionality here allows one to execute only a subset of tests. For example, to only execute the framework tests we can do

> test/run_tests -j 8 -d test/framework

If interested in a specific test you can narrow the tests even further:

> test/run_tests -j 8 -d test/framework -t params_test_00.lua